Tuesday, December 16, 2008

12/16 Concil Meeting Note

See 12/16 Concil Meeting Note. We should continue keeping on the pressure. We have good writers and reporters everywhere;-)


  1. I have been following the City Council members and their actions for the past 18 months and here is my take on them in the light of recent elections.

    They all are approachable and they listen to the community inputs till the decision is made when they invariably support the mega developers telling reasons like developer spent lot of time and money, traffic is not a problem etc. etc.

    All the elected officials in the recent elections like Suzanne Chan, Bob Wieckowski and Wasserman have got lot of money from developers either directly or indirectly and so will support A's in the end which they have publicly stated in the recent campaign.

    If we think logically, Costco and Lowes might threaten that they will pull out of Fremont if A's stadium is built at Pacific Commons which will be a huge revenue loss for Fremont which they cannot afford to lose. So, in the end Mayor Wasserman who desperately wants A's in Fremont as part of his legacy will do whatever he can to keep A's in Fremont.

    We got to get the organization rolling with committees and leaders and get prepared to create awareness and motivation in the community.

  2. I didn't vote for Mayor Wasserman, because I always questioned about that expensive water park thing. And I want Fremont to be ranked as #1 Safest City in the states under Gus again!

    But I voted for Susan Chen, which was a huge mistake. If I knew more about Vinnie Bacon, I would vote for him... so he can stand up for us! I would like to see if Vinnie can lead us to against the A's bad plan!
